What To Do If Fear Is Holding You Back From Achieving All The Success You Desire
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If you're a beginner or advanced property investor, you might just be a few strategies, tactics and tools away from making major progress on your financial situation and lifestyle.
In this value packed, 15 min discovery session, we will...
1. Get clear on the results you're after, to see what target we are aiming for.
2. Review your current situation to identify whats possible for you right now
3. Uncover the #1 bottleneck, restricting your growth and holding you back from scaling.
4. Develop a 3-step action plan, that will get you on the right path and direction for amazing you results in your portfolio
Discover the 4 principles that will remove your inner obstacles and create a solid foundation for your future.
We know fear can be a powerful setback on your way to success. And it’s especially true for people who are naturally more reserved. Luckily, this obstacle is inside you, which means it’s also within your power to remove.
Sometimes, all it takes is to find the right kind of outside influence to help you get rid of fear and start taking steps in the right direction.
One of my clients had this very issue - he was hesitant and fearful even when it came to attending one of my events. In fact, he contacted me some years ago… only to take some time away afterwards.
But after deciding to come back, my client made the crucial move of overcoming his hesitance: he came to an event. It didn't take long for him to realise that the mountain he was climbing wasn't as high as it seemed.
Once my client got past the inner barrier, the energy of the room and the special connections he made with other people allowed him to dance with fear. Even better, the experience opened a path forward for him to move along and make meaningful progress.
Here’s the reality…
Everybody wants to create their own path to wealth and betterment. And often, the steps towards doing just that are more straightforward than they seem.
This also applies to building your wealth foundation - it’s the starting point of your journey and it relies on four crucial principles.
In this article, you'll learn about those principles that will help you make a start in the right direction.
Principle #1. Value Your Time Above All Else
Your time is your capital.
Now, I want you to think about how you treat other forms of capital - your equity, money, savings. You're likely very mindful about them and you watch where you invest that capital. And when it comes to investing, you're always making sure you're using money the best way possible.
But when it comes to your time, you're throwing it away. You're not treating it with the same respect as the other forms of capital and you're giving it away freely.
Imagine doing the same with your money. Can you really give it away without question or at least stopping to think about it?
I'll repeat: Your time is your capital and it's crucial. Save it and carefully consider where you're investing it.
Principle #2. Be More Aware of Things That May Be Stealing Your Time
So, you decide to treat your time like your most valuable asset. That's great! But how will you save it if you're not aware and conscious of whatever’s stealing your time?
Plenty of people say they don't have time for something important. But if you think about it, we all have the same 24 hours a day. Even the most successful people don't have 27-hour days or an extra day a week.
We all have the same amount of time available.
If you feel you lack time, that means something's stealing your time without you noticing. The one thing you need to do now is to develop an awareness of that and take stock of how you spend time.
With that awareness, you're going to start questioning the activities that take away from your day and change your viewpoint.
Principle #3. Start the Day When It's Finished
This might sound a bit confusing, but it's a matter of principle.
It doesn't mean you should start your day when you know how it's going to end. Rather, it means you should think about your outcomes.
What's your best hypothesis about how your day will look like? Start your day with that in mind and it will make a shift in how you approach and engage life. You can change 'day' to 'week’, 'month’, or 'year' - it functions the same.
At first, you might think it's a bit overwhelming and rigid to plan at such a detailed level. But it's not about thinking through every little thing. Rather, it’s to think about major outcomes and milestones that will map out the day, week, or month before you.
Start the day when it's finished in your mind and you'll know where you need to go.
Principle #4. When You Work - Work, and When You Play - Play
Your business and personal life need to be in harmony. It’s too bad that this doesn't come naturally to most people.
But why does this happen?
The reason is simple: you're thinking about one thing while doing the other.
My best advice to you in that regard is to always be present in what you're doing. When you're at work, be there, go for it, and be focused on work. And when you play, be present with your friends, family, kids, and be in that moment.
Maintaining the focus on both aspects is crucial - your productivity, effectiveness, and sanity will thank you for it.
If you're not present in the moment, you lose effectiveness and start to get torn between different aspects of life. That's when guilt sets in, additionally affecting your work and playtime, and both things become much more challenging to manage.
So, dedicate yourself to whatever you're doing at the time. Or, as the well-known phrase goes, Live in the moment. If you do that, you'll be able to stay productive on one side and have a fulfilling, enjoyable life and relationships on the other.
Build Your Foundation on Strong Principles
Many aspects of life will come a lot easier when you know what you're doing with your time and effort. If you get a good grip on how you're spending every hour of your day, you'll become more efficient in everything you do.
So, plan and invest your time wisely, and do whatever you're doing at the moment with maximum focus. That’s going to make an astounding difference in your life.
P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your wealth, increase your income and improve your lifestyle:
1. Join the The Kaizen Way Group and connect with investors and entrepreneurs who are in the game too
It’s our new Facebook community where smart investors and entrepreneurs learn to get more income, progress, and confidence. — Click Here
2. Join our Property Mastery Academy and get guidance and strategies to build a solid, safe and profitable property portfolio.
Book in for a free 15 min discovery call to see if and how we can help: Click Here
3. Join our incredible NEW Mastermind and implementation program.
I'm putting together a new mastermind program to fast track results. If you'd like to work closer with me and my team on your income generating and wealth creating portfolio plan... please check this out to get your expression of interest in for the next opening: - Click Here
4. Get 1:1 private coaching and support
If you'd like one-on-one coaching and support from a real world successful property investor, and want to have that person look over your shoulder and work directly with you to take your wealth and achievement to the next level... just reply to this email or send one directly to brad@bradcassidy.com.au with the word "Private"... tell me a little about your situation and what you'd like to work on, and we'll get you all the details to meet and speak with your potential coach!