What Working as an Electrician Taught Me About Psychology (And the Four Questions You Need to Ask to Understand Your Own Mindset)


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As we all know, electricity is an invisible force with very apparent effects. There are forces like that all around and inside us – your mindset is one of them.

My clients know that I've had a corporate career in planning, execution, and strategic development. But before that, I had a different job altogether.

My first job was actually an apprenticeship as an electrician. And that was the time when I got a vital concept that stayed with me to this day.

As an electrician, I was working with something I couldn't see and needed to trust that it was there. Obviously, I'm talking about electricity. 

Although invisible to the eye, electricity produces quite apparent effects - lights are glowing, fans are moving, and your appliances are working. This practical application of theory is paramount to an electrician. 

That's a great lesson about how we should see the world: We need to understand the practical side of things even if we can't see them. 

Now, I've always been proud of being the person who says how to apply things in life practically. I've done lots of training worldwide with the best people I could find and I would go and apply what I learned. 

Needless to say, it has become practical performance psychology for me. And what I now share and teach to others are the theoretical things that work in practice. 

Your mindset is one of those things – theoretical and invisible, yet it has a great impact on everything you do. You might not have a clear grasp on what it is, but you need to know how it works.

In this article, we'll take a look at the four questions you must ask yourself to understand your mindset and use it to your advantage.

The Four Questions

Question #1. If You Had to Describe How Your Mindset Made You Successful, How Would You Describe It?

This question is a major one and it can be challenging to answer. But another way you could ask the same thing would be:

What is my way of thinking?

The technique for answering this question is something I picked up while researching and reading about different therapeutic methods. Of course, I don't do therapy, but the research helped me formulate an approach to my own psychology.

To start, set aside a time during the day - it can be the morning or evening - and sit by yourself at a table, facing an empty chair. 

Picture somebody you're mentoring in that chair who must become an exceptional person. Imagine that the future of the world depends on that person and your mentoring is the last chance to prepare them for saving the world.

Think about what you would share with that person. What would you say has to be their mindset for them to save the world? How should they think?

Come up with the three things you would say and write those down. 

You might have only one thing, and that's okay. There are no right or wrong answers here - the point is to get yourself thinking in a specific way. The insights you need are already in you, and this is the technique that will help you get them out.

This technique might sound strange to you, but it has helped me immensely in practical things like getting profitable property deals.

Question #2. What's One Belief That You Could Adopt About Yourself That Would Make You Feel More Confident?

As high-performance entrepreneurs, we depend heavily on being confident. That's why building and reinforcing your confidence is crucial for achieving the success you desire. 

You can use the following technique to answer the question:

Think about a time when you felt confident and imagine what you would say to yourself.

For example, when I think about such a time, I say to myself:

I believe in my ability to figure this out, as it's never about resources - it's about resourcefulness.

When you think of such a statement for yourself, write it down. Then, think about one more belief you could add to feel even more confident.

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Question #3. What's One Thing You Could Say to Yourself to Make You Feel Happier?

We all want more of life and we have high expectations - we want to be more, do more, or have more. Everybody has a different definition of success but, honestly, not everyone can achieve it.

Yet if you're here reading this, I can be pretty confident there's something in you that wants more. That want is the seed of growth, but it's also a mindset that makes you strive for things you haven't got yet. 

In my case, the things that make me truly happy are those I appreciate in my life right now. I think about things that were once mere dreams that I have now - those can be material things, relationships, or even my fitness level. 

You'll likely have specific things that you can appreciate in your life or things that you can point to yourself to feel happier about where you are. But you shouldn't wait for happiness to come - you need to generate it. 

A great technique for generating those emotions of appreciation and happiness is to say to yourself every Sunday:

Whatever happened over the last week, what's the one thing I can focus on today to make me feel happier?

You’re responsible for the energy you bring to the world. So, direct your focus to generate happiness and do it consistently. 

Imagine what you could create if you repeated this technique every week.

Question #4. What Triggers or Statements Could You Say to Yourself on a Recurring Basis to Improve Your Mindset?

I'm blessed to be around plenty of extremely positive and capable people. Because if they weren't diligent about consistently improving their mindset, they would always be operating in the same state of mind. 

This is something to be careful about. That’s because as soon as the conditions change, your natural baseline can get rocked real quick if you haven't been working on your mindset. 

You'll need to level up your mindset every step of the way so that when the tide turns, you have the skill, capability, and weaponry to forge your mindset better.

Even if you believe you have your mindset sorted out, you should still remain vigilant and not stop working on yourself.

Discovering Your Mindset

As the essential tool in life and entrepreneurship, your mindset should always be the primary focus of your attention. Whether you need a force to drive you to success or peace of mind when you're off work, know that all of it stems from the same source.

Think back to my story about my work as an electrician. I don’t really see electricity when I work with it, but I know it’s there. It’s invisible, yet I don’t need tangible evidence to be convinced of its presence.

The same is true with mindset - it’s something we don’t see, yet we know how powerful a force it is. Such an invisible thing can make visible changes in our lives. 

So, nurture and improve your mindset. It will provide you with the ideal platform from which you can achieve every goal you set.

Not only that - and most important - it has the power to transform the invisible to the visible. So use your powerful mind to create the life you truly desire.

P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your wealth, increase your income and improve your lifestyle:

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