How Having the Right Mentorship and Influence Helped Me Succeed (And Why You Should Aspire to Become More Influential On a Daily Basis)
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What does it take to be able to influence people? This article answers that question and shares the key questions you must ask yourself if you hope to influence others.
“How do you provide value to your clients?”
This is one of the questions that often gets asked by so many people. And one of my clients gave an interesting perspective about this.
You see, he believes that providing value requires a collective effort.
By working with me, he learned the importance of collaborating with people with different specialties. It’s because bringing all your expertise to the table allows you all to grow together. And that’s how you can start providing even more value to your clients.
When he told me this, I’m reminded of my own journey.
Because much like him and many of my clients, I’ve spent a lot of time in Mastermind programs, learning from great mentors and influencers.
The people I learned from helped me to reach the heights I’ve reached in my career and investing success.
And they also taught me about the power of influence.
My mentors taught me to aspire to be more influential every day, one of them being a gentleman named Robert Cialdini who wrote the book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion…
And that’s a lesson I like to pass onto my clients.
In this article, I explain what influence truly is and how you can leverage it during your property journey.
Influence vs. Persuasion
I mentioned both influence and persuasion in the introduction.
The fact is, many assume that these terms mean the same thing.
But they don’t.
You see, persuasion is often something that you do in the moment.
For example, you may have a conversation with somebody where you use your words to convince them to accept whatever outcome you want from the conversation. There’s a clear objection and a clear outcome.
When you persuade, you think on your feet to make a moment work out in your favour.
Influence is different.
Simply put, influence means having the capacity to affect other people because of who you are, rather than what you say or do.
For example, think about your favourite movie and music stars.
These people rise to fame based on the power of their words and actions. However, they have such star power that they influence everybody around them. The things they wear become fashion trends. And the way they carry themselves inspires emulation.
They often don’t set out to set these types of trends.
It just happens because they’re influential people.
Having the ability to exercise that level of influence is your goal during your property journey.
When you have influence, who you are comes to the fore.
The result is that others aim to emulate you without you having to do anything consciously to persuade them.
The Benefits of Influence
This power to influence others benefits you in every area of your life.
In business, it gives you the ability to have people buy what you’re selling or otherwise invest in and support you.
In property, influence can help you to find partners and secure deals because who you are inspires others to follow your lead.
When you’re influential, you also don’t need to rely on the “make or break” moments in conversations when making deals. You’re not so reliant on using your words to convince people to take a desired course of action.
People automatically want to share what you have.
They want to work with you before the conversation even starts.
This makes it so much easier to develop relationships that ultimately benefit you and your bottom line.
Of course, this brings us to a question…
How can you become more influential?
To explain, I’m going to share a story that highlights how I served as an influence for one of the most passionate people I’ve ever met.
How to Become More Influential
Before I chose to focus on investing as a full-time career, one area I worked in was business improvement. This led to me becoming a business improvement coach. My role enabled me to work with people inside corporations, particularly with those who are considered the leaders or heads of their particular departments or functions.
It was in this role that I met Johan.
He was the head of production in one of the company’s that I worked with. And he was one of the most charismatic and passionate people I’ve ever met.
You see, Johan had a ton of energy.
He was one of those guys who speak fast and always seem to be flailing their arms around as they talk. Johan moved at a mile a minute, which presented a unique challenge to me as a coach.
For a while, we worked on structuring and planning execution to help him effectively manage his team.
But one day, he hit me with a question…
“Brad, do you know what I really want?”
Of course, I asked him what he wanted.
His answer?
“I just want to be even more influential in the world and with my team. I want to be able to paint a picture for them!”
With that statement, the entire direction of our training and coaching changed.
My response to him was simple:
You need to get more intentional with your aim to influence others.
And it’s this move to the intentional that you need to make if you want to become an influencer yourself.
But to make that shift, there are several questions that you should ask yourself every single day. These are the same questions that I challenged Johan to ask of himself and they will help you to grow your influence.
These questions are:
What are you doing on a daily basis to influence others?
Are you intentional in your influencing or are you just hoping others will follow your lead?
How do you want to influence your team today?
How are you influencing your family every day?
Can you influence others energetically so they have more clarity on what you hope to achieve?
Are You Intentional in Your Influencing?
To influence others, you must first understand yourself and your intentions.
That’s an important idea that I introduced to Johan, and even to my clients, which helped them achieve their goals.
The questions I’ve posed above should serve as daily reminders that influence doesn’t just happen. It develops as a result of your ability to intentionally help people to understand your vision.
You’ve got to paint a picture for other people to absorb.
By being intentional, you examine yourself and your connection to the messages and vision you hope to spread. That understanding is what will ultimately result in people wanting to follow your lead.
P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your wealth, increase your income and improve your lifestyle:
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